Apple will unveil its latest generation of iPhones in the fall. The lineup will likely consist of 4 devices, the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. The latter two models will be the most expensive. Until now, iPhones have always been priced at just under $1000 for the Pro models. Now that is to be an end, as Bloomberg reports concerning people in the know.
Offsetting inflation
The reason for this is high inflation. Apple wants to maintain its sales figures but earns more to keep its shareholders happy. However, achieving the goal will be difficult, as The Verge reports. There are problems with production, and the smartphone market is expected to generate 3.2 percent less revenue this year.
Those who want “the best” pay more
According to Apple CEO Tim Cook’s assessment, the clientele reaching for the top iPhone models is willing to “stretch to get the best they can afford.” On the other hand, prices for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus are expected to remain the same as for the 14th generation of Apple’s smartphone. In the U.S., they will be offered for $799 and $899, respectively. In Austria, the entry-level price is much higher. iPhone 14 and 14 Plus are available for 999 euros.
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